1.Instead, they focus on the relative importance of responding to a given need versus whatever other needs the organization might have.
2.The relative importance of these characteristics varies with the service performed by the vessel, but reliability is of prime importance.
3.After all, the relative importance of each of the six categories depends on the specifics of your project.
4.Determination of this relative importance is part of an overall governance initiative for our technical enablement strategy.
5.While China's weight as an export destination has grown broadly across the region, its relative importance varies significantly.
6.Specifies the relative importance that the current session continue processing if it is deadlocked with another session.
7.To be sure, it is still a very large trading partner, but its relative importance has been reducing.
8.Yet scientists and laymen alike still spend too much time and effort trying to quantify the relative importance of nature and nurture.
9.However the relative importance of these different modes of spread appears to differ between countries and is maybe changing.
10.In the present commodity price indices are weighted by the relative importance of the components to the "all in" cost of an employee.